About Me
- Handle: Itapun
- Age:: 28
- Location: Based in Tokyo, originally from the US
- Citizenship: JP
- Hobbies: Gaming, DIY, kendo, journaling, drawing
- Interests: things that are old, film photography, cassette tapes, The Pillows
- Dislikes: broccoli, Western propaganda and the modern media landscape, modern American culture, AI
- Weakness: Kryptonite
- a wheeled vehicle for moving heavy articles; truck
ex. "Look, papa! Itapun!!"
Usage in original language: 「パパ見て、いたぷん!!」
etymology: assigned by my son when he first began to speak.
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Currently Playing
- Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible (GB)
- Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (GBC)
- Ghost of Tsushima (PC) ON HOLD (Abandoned...?)
Recently Completed
- Marvel's Spider-Man (PC) - Story + All DLC
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PC)
- Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjo 1 + 2 REPLAY (Switch)